Pondering the elimination of another bad Dude
Well they eliminated another bad dude.
So who's next?
But for some reason some people think that because he was born in the USA they should not have done what they did to him.
All I can say to those people is they are a bunch of dodo brains.
Plain and simple he hated his home land leadership.
There are allot of people who live in the good old USA that hate the leadership here, so it should be no surprise that one would go to the number one enemy group.
The way I see it,( your average regular old country girl), they have been putting some really big dents in that terrorist group. Which is a good thing. But, it is also spawning more lone wolf type people to do things that will be allot more unexpected. All in the name of whatever they think is being looked down upon.
As the world becomes more and more unstable and over connected, the unrest in going to become more deadly to the innocent bystanders.
Is there anything we can do about it? Nope.
As long as the greedy elite are in control nothing will get better.
So I guess the rest of us average regular good old people will just have to learn to duck and cover. Or is it bob and weave. Or maybe it's run for our lives until mother nature has the final say about our future.
Or well what ya gonna do.
I know right now you will be distracted by the trial of the doctor who is taking the fall for the death of Michael Jackson. I shall keep that idea or opinion of what happened to him quietly to myself, unless you work with me then we can discuss it.
Here's another one from Wisconsin which has people riled up. It's a billboard.
On this billboard is the grim reaper with a cheese head on it and it says;
Cheese can sack your health
Fat. Cholesterol. Sodium.
I'm not going to put the name of the group on here because I work in the cheese industry as do allot of people. We are the dairy state.
The billboard is over by Green Bay somewhere.
All I know about it is that there are law suits in the works from different people.
Cheese has been around for thousands of years. It was created because it traveled well on long trips.
Well that's my weekend ponder.
So till next time, keep on Pondering the Pondering Possibilities.