
Showing posts from March, 2011

Something to Ponder

There are allot of things to ponder today from this past week. The first thing I will mention is the weather here. Here it is almost the end of March and we get a snow storm. The snow was starting to melt before that.There were large places where the ground was showing. Last weekend we saw robins, red wing black birds and even a crane. They are usually signs spring is here. But Wednesday we got about a foot of snow. I and everyone else around here have had enough of winter. Now I have to wait even longer to do things outside. The really bad side effect of all this snow will be more flooding, especially to places south of here. So I'll warn you now. Lookout it will be there in a few weeks, the water I mean. Now to other happening this week. The passing of Elizabeth Taylor. She made big impacts in allot of different  areas. The entertainment world and also her personal life always seamed to be making headlines. She was also a big spokes person for Aids. Which brings me to ...

Pondering the future of Japan.

The future of Japan does not look good to me. They would have been able to eventually recover sooner if it was only the earthquake and tsunami but when the nuclear issue happened all bets were off.  How much of Japan will become uninhabitable and for how long? I never realized Japan had so many nuclear plants.  What I find kind of scary is building all those plants in an area that is so prone to earthquakes. The US also could face this same problem someday. They have a number of plants built by major fault lines. They can say they have plans in place for any situation so there is not much danger to anyone.  As we can see their plans are not working very well.  Maybe,eventually, they might be able to get it somewhat under control but the danger will always be there.         By then we just might be hearing from another potential problem. With all of those earthquakes and after shocks a volcano or two might just wake up and show it's power. ...



Pondering Japan's Earthquake

The earthquake in Japan is just another wake up call for us. It is so far the largest disaster we are dealing with right now. And with all those nuclear power plants having problems there, it will get a whole lot worse.  The earth is talking to us. Telling us the big change is upon us. Instead of fighting wars in other countries we should be preparing our people for this big change that will change our home, planet Earth, in a way that will make life allot more difficult to survive.  Japan had prepared for this kind of event to a point, but this kind of event to this degree is never fool proof.  My heart does go out to all those who are living through this right now.  I will give one prediction for the near future that some might say makes me sound like a crack pot but it is always a possibility.  Here it is: With all the things happening right now natural disasters and political unrest big changes are inevitable. Governments will fall apart, America included....

Pondering Made in America

This last  week on ABC news they had a segment on Made in America where a family volunteered to let them go through their house looking for things made in America. It was very shocking that nothing was left in their house at one point. Everything was taken out except for a glass vase with a flower in it.  Wow. What does that say about us. The things in their house were then replaced with things only totally made in America. There were two things that could not be replaced and they were the coffee maker and the TV. So sad. How did we get to this point? Why did we get to this point?  One thing I do know is that most people are unwilling to do physical labor. They are told by so many people that it is beneath them. They should strive for jobs that put them behind a desk or the heaviest thing they have to worry about lifting is a pencil.  Or better yet let the government take care of them for doing nothing. In this world that we have created people who work in jobs like ...