Something to Ponder
There are allot of things to ponder today from this past week. The first thing I will mention is the weather here. Here it is almost the end of March and we get a snow storm. The snow was starting to melt before that.There were large places where the ground was showing. Last weekend we saw robins, red wing black birds and even a crane. They are usually signs spring is here. But Wednesday we got about a foot of snow. I and everyone else around here have had enough of winter. Now I have to wait even longer to do things outside. The really bad side effect of all this snow will be more flooding, especially to places south of here. So I'll warn you now. Lookout it will be there in a few weeks, the water I mean. Now to other happening this week. The passing of Elizabeth Taylor. She made big impacts in allot of different areas. The entertainment world and also her personal life always seamed to be making headlines. She was also a big spokes person for Aids. Which brings me to ...