The Great Chicken Debate of 2010

 Recently the biggest news in my hometown paper has been about if chickens should be allowed in town.
It all started when someone noticed a few chickens in a pen in someones backyard. Now being, what I think is just a busy body, this person went to the courthouse to find out what the rules were for having chickens in town. There was none at the time.
Well, some how the paper got word of it and did a story about the people who had the chickens in question. The people had I think four or five hens in a small pen that they moved around the yard so the chickens could eat grass and other things. It was a cute little a-frame shaped pen. The father was originally raised on a farm himself and he just wanted to show his kids what it takes to raise chickens. I think this fall he was planning on butchering them. 
This story set off a fire storm of debate which ended up in front of the city council.They were forced to make a ruling whether chickens should be allowed in town or not. What was the verdict? Thanks to the mayor, who had to break the tie vote, the chickens have to leave town. Which in my book is very sad.
According to one of my sources one side of town voted to keep the chickens the other side to make them leave. So I guess the mayor lives on the wrong side of town for chickens.
I took my own pole on how people feel about chickens in town. 
Most people saw no problem having chickens in town.

Kat said, "I see nothing wrong with having chickens in town as long as there is no rooster."

E said, " As long as they are kept clean."

Big Daddy said, " He is okay with it."

 J.N. said, "No he has no problem if you own the land you should be able to have them."

One of the persons neighbors said, "He had no problem with them. He barely know they were there."

L said, " That it's fine, but no more then 6 and no rooster."

Danny said, "Yes, but certain things have to be meet."

B said, " Yes, but no rooster."

Deb is on the fence doesn't know one way or the other.

T said, " Fine as long as there is no ordnance against it."

A said," No. There is not enough room in town for them."

J said, " Who ever started this dumb debate has egg on their face." See's no problem having chickens in town.

Just a worker said, " People are idiots." See's no problem either.

A couple of other people said no.

As you can see most of the people said they have no problem. 
The only thing I do agree with is there should be no roosters in town. I live in the country and I do have chickens and two roosters, who can start crowing very early in the morning. They crow all day long.
I also learned that a number of other towns are having the same issue about whether chickens should be allowed in town. As far as I know they have not totally banned them like Medford has. They have put conditions on them. 
Like only so many hens.
No Roosters .
Must keep them in a pen of some kind or fenced in your yard.
Keep then clean.
Just some of the things everyone should know if you are going to have chickens.

Yesterday morning I saw a story on CBS news about some people in Brooklyn NY that have chicken. Now if a big city like that can allow chickens why can't a small town of less then 5000 except them?

On a side note. I just had a chicken hatch out some babies. As of yesterday there where four with a couple more eggs still under her. At least one of them is another turkin. That will make five turkin's in all. Anyone want a chicken that has no feathers on it's neck?


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