Bugging Me

I think I'll make this post about things that have been bugging me lately.

One thing is all the media coverage about Lindsey Lohan. Enough already! She is just another ego driven person who can't see what she is really doing to herself. If I could give her advice I would say; Take this time you are spending in jail and take a real hard look at your life. Honestly think about the direction your life is taking. Is being so self absorbed really going to get you anywhere but more lost? After jail, I hope rehab will get you off all those unnecessary drugs. Believe me once you see life through clear eyes it will take your breath away. And if I could suggest one more thing I would say move away from the Hollywood scene for about three years.

Another thing is how Sarah Palin and her family keep popping up. Her daughter and the father of her baby deciding to get married and making the announcement so public only tells me it's for a possible reality show.( Something I never plan on watching.) Sarah is upset because it will not revolve around her. I will never understand why so many people want to listen to her speak. She never really says anything. She talks in circles. If I want to get dizzy I'll just spin in a circle for a minute, it should have the same effect.

Mel Gibson. What do I think of him? I'm not sure. Do I believe he is being set up? Yes. The mother of his child is using the media to make this whole mess ever messier. Although it is starting to backfire on her. In a way I hope it does. If she is only after money it will do her no good. As for the damage this is doing to his future as an actor, it will be awhile before he will sought after again. He does need to take some anger management classes. He should also not get involved with anyone else. He will need to focus on his little girl.

Another thing that I hate to hear about is, bombs. Why is it that so many people think using a bomb will make any effect on the issue they are fighting against? It just puts them and the issue in a worse light. Killing people who just happen to be in the place they choose to bomb is only going to anger more against you. And some people who blow themselves up are not helping anyone in the long run. Just because you can't see beyond the moment to a possible better future does not mean it's not there. Everyone believes they are here for a reason, I don't think blowing yourself up is it for anyone.

This leads me to another thing. People who don't know how to think for themselves. So many people do things that someone else says they have to do, when they know deep in their heart it not right for them. They are bullied into thinking their ideals are always wrong. What they want is unimportant. Their vision is laughable. So many people are just pawns in someone else's ideas. I would like to say to these people, you are worth it. Your life is important. You can do it. As long as doing it does not include harming someone. Revenge will get you no where. Just back into the same old cycle of pain and disappointment.

One last thing that's bugging me, messed up media. The latest exposure of how someone can edit someone else to look bad. Whatever the real reason for the person posting a speech in such a way that it made her look racist is just another sign of how messed up everything is.We believe everything we see in the news or on the web as an absolute fact. There is always a twisted agenda behind allot of the things we see. Especially if it  can stir up someones else's prejudice against another person or group of people. Some people just like to see chaos and disharmony. 

Now that I said some of the things that bug me, did I bug you?
Always willing to hear from ya all.    


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