Pondering oil and other things

It's another quiet Sunday morning. The husband is out trying to get a turkey. It's his last day to get one. So far the turkeys are teasing him. Every time he comes back he tells me all the tales of all the tom turkeys that he saw at the last minute or should I say saw him before he saw them. It's been a tall turkey tale weekend. The funny part is this morning when I let the dog out I heard a turkey gobbling behind the house. I guess when he gets home I'll have to ask him it he heard any turkeys and then tell him I did and it sounded very close.And it was not one of ours.

Well that's enough turkey talk there are allot of things that happen this week that I should comment on. Like the oil that is gushing in the gulf. Now that's a mess. So many questions and not enough solutions. Will this stop the attempts at getting oil from the ocean? Will this make oil companies make sure they have better safety measures? Well this give the people who are always looking for something to protest about, a new  thing to be more wound up about? How long will it take for the damages to be fixed, if ever? Was this an act of sabotage? Was this another company more focused of profits then on safety? How high will this make the price of gas for the rest of us? In the end the average person will pay the biggest price.

Another thing in the news is the weather. Boy are they getting it down south. Tornadoes and flooding. Mother nature is certainly bound and determined to either change things or maybe make life for all allot harder. The other day we got over an inch of rain here. We could use more but not the sever stuff. Maybe not today either. I want to hopefully finish weeding my strawberry patch.

About a week ago there were three people who died in three different very tragic ways. One guy was working on top of a silo, they were tearing it down, when he lost his balance and fell about 45 feet to his death. Died of massive head injuries.
Another guy died when he was doing something in a barn, not sure what he was doing, when the barn blow up. I don't remember if they say what caused it to happen.
The last one that died was a 20 year old kid who was speeding and lost control of his car by a curve and went through a fence. He was not wearing a seat belt. He died of massive head injuries. There are all kinds of things being said about him. Like he might of been racing someone else and texting something like" Catch me if you can". He had been drinking at a bar or two. Which could have a couple of bars in big trouble for serving alcohol to someone under age. He was a very popular guy. There were over 500 people at his funeral. Now that's a big funeral for this area. I just hope this makes more kids think about drinking, driving and texting. Well, I think it might make them think for a little while. But graduation and summer is just around the corner.

Well that's about it for today. I will say that I will be getting a new computer soon with a web cam so maybe if I can figure the thing out I can post things with the web cam. We'll see.
So till next time keep pondering the pondering possibilities.  


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