Stupid is taking over

It's been one of those weeks where I'm not sure what to write. So much has been happening I'm not sure what to ponder.

One thing I could ponder about is how stupid seems to be the thing more and more people are leading their lives by. Like the group of people who wanted to start a war with the police. They call themselves a christian militia. Religion has nothing to do with killing people in the way they wanted to it. I guess I don't understand those kind of people. But what I would like to say to other groups like them is this: If you are planning to do something like this group, you have to know it will not work in the way you want it to. It never does. So think of a different way to change things for yourself. Killing is not the way to go. Harm none. Things take time to change. Respect goes along way both ways.

Bullying was in the news again. Something tells me these people were never taught respect or self control. I know what it's like to be bullied. I had issues with kids I went to school with too. It hurt allot at that time. Always feeling like you have to be on the defensive.Never trusting or trusting the wrong person and getting set up for humiliation.You feel alone. My heart goes out to the girl who took her life because of these people. It should never have happened.The ones that drove her to it I'm not sure what to say. Maybe something like, was it worth it? Are you proud of yourself for what you help drive this girl to do? You will never know what kind of future you could have had. If only you would have let whatever triggered this stupidity to not become so much of an issue   Now your future and self respect will forever be lower then low.

Another thing was child molesters in the catholic church and boy scouts. Don't forget the ones that kidnap and kill too. I know it's been going on for years, it should never be. How did we get to the point that so many men feel like they have to do these things to innocent children? I know it has always been there. These kind of people will never change no matter how much therapy they have. I could think of all kinds of ways to stop them, but I'm afraid the right to life people and the people who are against cruel and unusual punishment,  would not like my suggestions on how to make them stop or really think twice before they let stupid take over their life.

These are only a few of the things that show that stupid is getting a bigger hold on more and more people. I wonder if there is any way to stop or slow the progress of it taking over completely? Maybe that is what will happen in 2012. Either stupid will take over or we will stop letting stupid have so much power over everything.

That's about it. Now you can all ponder the stupid things in your life and maybe try and find a better way to deal with it. Remember find a way that will not hurt anyone in the process. Karma will be very happy with you and reward you in better ways. 


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