Babble time

It's been awhile since I've posted because.......I guess I really didn't have to much extra to say that other people were not already saying.

Like the things coming to light about Tiger Woods. It was bound to happen sooner or later. It's time he step back for awhile. To be as out in the public eye the way he has for so long has got to be the most frustrating thing to live with. He really had no childhood like someone else we all knew and is no longer among the living. Lets hope he does not go completely down that path.

The weather. We had our first snow storm of the season. We got about 11 inches here. It was sudden and fast. Now it's too cold. Wind chills of about 16 below zero. At least we will have a very white Christmas.
I hate to say it but I was feeling a little bit of the holiday spirit today. I was allowing Christmas songs to bounce around my head and they made me feel a little brighter.
I might do something this year I have not done in years. Go to the in-laws for Christmas Eve. We'll see.

The topic of global warming. Is it real or not? Well it is real but, there is nothing we humans can do to change what is happening. The planet is going through a bigger change then usual. We have contributed to it some but the rest is just a natural thing the planet does from time to time. You can give money to people who promise your money will help get things back to normal. To me,  you could just burn that money because money will not get Mother nature to change things in our favor, just line someone else's  pockets while you continue living in a fantasy world of false change.

What have I been doing with my time? Well, I've been going through the old letter and pictures trying to figure out the best way to organize them. I want to find a way to put them together so I can share them with other family members. I would like everyone who is interested in them to all have their own copy of them.
I know I've learning allot about how people were back then. Believe these letter could have been written at any time. They sound allot like young people do today in a way. Some sound insecure. Some desperate to find the one. Some just talking about all the fun they are having going to the movies, seeing plays, dancing or just getting together with friends. Some are kind of newsy.  The more things change the more they stay the same. People are the same no matter what time they grew up in.

Thought of day:
"Don't waste your eyes, use them all time."


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