As an old Farmer Sees It

Well I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine, was kind of quiet. I thinks that's a good thing. I didn't go and do any really big shopping. I'm just not a busy day kind of shopper. I do not like to feel rushed or pushed. Any way on Thanksgiving I went to my parents house. I eat just enough not to much but just enough so that I was comfortable. While I was there I got the old pictures. I've been going through them off and on all weekend. I was dividing them up into different groups so that when I really had time I could sit down and study some of them. I did throw some away. So that were ripped or just plain out of focus. Also the ones that were taken at funerals. To me that is very creepy. There were a few newspaper articles. Most of them I don't know why they were saved. I did find one that I think applies today. It was post in the Journal. As you can see there is no date but could have been written by someone today. If we had only listened to the old timers th...