
Showing posts from November, 2009

As an old Farmer Sees It

Well I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine, was kind of quiet. I thinks that's a good thing. I didn't go and do any really big shopping. I'm just not a busy day kind of shopper. I do not like to feel rushed or pushed. Any way on Thanksgiving I went to my parents house. I eat just enough not to much but just enough so that I was comfortable. While I was there I got the old pictures. I've been going through them off and on all weekend. I was dividing them up into different groups so that when I really had time I could sit down and study some of them. I did throw some away. So that were ripped or just plain out of focus. Also the ones that were taken at funerals. To me that is very creepy. There were a few newspaper articles. Most of them I don't know why they were saved. I did find one that I think applies today. It was post in the Journal. As you can see there is no date but could have been written by someone today. If we had only listened to the old timers th...

Happy Turkey Day

Happy Turkey day to all, at least the ones in the US. But happy day to others around the world. I kind of miss the old days. You know when there was snow on the ground this time of year. It just does not seam like the holidays around here without snow. It makes for a bad hunting season for most people. The husband has not even seen one deer yet. Most people are very lucky if they do. My mom last Saturday saw four deer in the neighbors yard. My parents live in town so I guess you know where the deer are hiding. My Dad was up at the family cabin and didn't see anything. One of the husbands brothers I guess has got 5 deer and his girlfriend has shot some too. His son has shot 5 and his girlfriend has shot 3.The sons sisters boyfriend has shot a few also. How? I don't know how they always seem to get so many every year. But they also have to find people who are willing to let them fill their tags for them. I'm really not very fond of those kind of hunters. That go out and sho...

Old Pictures

When my family and I were going through the old pictures and letters a couple of weeks ago I took a couple of the pictures. The one of the woman is my Grandmother when she was young in the 20's, I think. The one above, I'm not sure what it is. I think it might be Swedish written below but I'm not sure. I could be Finnish.I don't know who any of the people are or where it was taken but I just wanted to share. I plan on getting as many of the old pictures I can and hopefully posting them here from time to time. Most of them I have no idea who they are. My Dad knows a few but not all. It's always interesting seeing these kind of things from the past. Reading those old letters I'm learning things about my grandpa that I never knew. I just wish my aunt, when my grandma died, would not have put the letters from my grandma to grandpa before they were married, in her casket when she died. We will never know what was on them.

I'm not going Rogue

I've been hearing allot about this book that Sarah Palin wrote, and I will say I will not be one of those reading it. I have not liked her since the first time she opened her mouth when she was selected to be McCain's running mate. She does allot of talking but never really says anything. She talks in circles. At least I don't understand any point she is trying to make. And if this country ever decides she would be a good president I now the whole world will most definitely fall apart. If you thought Bush was bad she would be even worse. She will shoot first and maybe later decide to talk about things. She only wants to hear her own voice everywhere she goes. If I could talk to her I would tell her intimidation is not the way to get respect from others. If you want to get respect from others you must respect them also. Being a bully may work for awhile but it will all come crashing down around you so fast and so hard you will not know what hit you.This works for everyone.Ev...

Saturday Morning thoughts and A poem for Grandpa

Boy has this been a week or what. The shootings in Texas and the other one in Florida. Plus the guy where  they found at least 11 bodies. Does it seam like more and more bad things are happening lately or are some things just coming to light all at once? The sad part is these kind of things are going to happen more and more. Why? There is allot of people going through things that are a whole lot more stressful because of the economy.People who lived during the great depression will know how bad it can really get. But how bad will it get this time? People want to blame Obama. Some the democrats. I blame it on greed not going unchecked as usual and the greedy don't like it. It's a very stressful time for all and we all have different ways to deal with it. Unfortunately too many people are choosing the most violent ways to deal with it. So many people have lost their jobs. So many people have lived way beyond their means for so long and now that the economy has taken a crap, they...

Letters from a time gone by

A few day ago my aunt and uncle dropped off some old pictures and letters that belonged to my grandparents, at my parents house. I'm not sure who most of the people are but I think my dad is enjoying going through them and trying to figure out who they are. My mom would rather just throw them out or give them back to. They are very musty smelling.from being stuck in musty places for way to many years. There was also a good size box full of old letters that were sent to my grandpa. So far most of them are from women who wrote to him before he married my grandmother. What ever he wrote to her or she wrote to we will never know because when she died someone put those letters in her casket. She died in 1980. My grandpa died in 1985. The letters are all from the 1920's to the early 1930's. By reading some of the letters I think he was into some kind of writing club, more then likely looking for a wife. Some of the women were from close by. One was from Rib Lake. He lived by We...