Pondering Wood ticks and other things

We finally got some rain and things are starting to green up. The bad part about it warming up is the wood ticks are out now. I hate wood ticks. The husband and I after it had stopped raining last night, when it was getting dark, decided to take a little walk to see if we could see any turkeys roosting in a tree. We saw three. When we got back in the house I sat down and felt something on my hand. It was a tick. I quickly ran to the bathroom and tried to flush it down the toilet. It would not get off my hand right away. After a few attempts it finally fell in. I flushed the toilet a couple of times to make sure it went down. The worst part is I've been itching ever since. So as I'm writing this I keep scratching. Just call me Itchy Scratchy.
The weather has been so strange. Like yesterday it was about 80 degrees. The day before that it was maybe in the high 40's. Today maybe 50's. I can't remember a time when we had such a difference in temps from one day to the next. It's suppose to be rainy all weekend.

The other day I watching Ellen and they had Lindsey Lohan on. Watching her is kind of sad. Ellen was doing her best to reach out to her but I'm not sure it did any good. I think she should do what Ellen said she did. Back away from show business for awhile. Recharge her batteries. Maybe find a better direction or a different area to work in. Amazing things can happen when you least expect it. And amazing people can enter your life, opening your eyes to things that you never saw before.

Another thing that I was thinking about is credit cards and the out of this world interest they charge for using them. Why does it have to be so high? You would think that the more people that used credit cards that the interest should be that of say a bank. But noooo. Maybe credit card companies are really the mob. Or just con artists trying to take as much money as possible for themselves without really earning it. But when you think about it we really would not need them if we all learned to live within our means. Buying what we really have the money for. Living the simple life.
But the way things are it is to much of a struggle for most people. People don't want to struggle, right now. They want what they want and they want it right now, even if later they can't pay for it. Planning is what we all have to learn to do.
If your wondering about me and credit cards, I have one and right now there is nothing on it. I only try to use it once a month, maybe for something small, but I make sure I will have the money to pay it off as soon as I can when the bill comes. It builds my credit. Or I use it if we go on a trip for places to stay. In this case I do not use the card again till it is paid off. Hey don't knock it, it works for me.


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