A couple of things that are bugging me

I was thinking allot today about things that are bugging me.

Number one;
The woman who had those eight babies. If she really loves children the way she says she does she will seriously think about putting them up for adoption. I would suggest that they should be adopted in pairs. If she can do this she should be able to prove to everyone she really is thinking about their welfare. They would all have a far better chance of having a better life in a smaller family then being one of 15. When people are found to take the children it should be under the idea that the children will always be in each other lives by staying in contact with each other.

One other thing that bugs me about her, is her finger nails. To me they are the kind of finger nails only someone of money and leisure would have not someone who has 15 children. All of her money, every last penny no matter what should go to the children. If I could give her advice right now I would say, "Get your head out of the clouds and start facing reality. Stop being a royal pain. Think of the innocent lives you have brought into this world. They are your only number one priority for the rest of your life. Put yourself in their shoes and honestly try to think about what you would have felt if you were forced to really compete for your mother attention. And believe me it is a competition. It's time you started taking no for an answer. Something tells me you didn't hear or except that word much in your life. "

Another thing that bugs me is CNN Headline news.
They get so obsessed with one thing for way too long. Like Caylee Antony. How much more can be said about it? It was a very wrong thing that her mother did. And she did kill her. Another royal pain. But there are so many other things happening to other people that should get just as attention if not more. Like the case around here of the woman who was killed about a year ago. She had four small children. It seams like no one is really trying to do anything to get to some real answers. Now that is a case that should get more attention.

Maybe I should not watch the news any more and I won't be bugged about things. But I guess I'm just as guilty as others of wanting to know what is going on. But I would like to know more about more things and and not just hear about one thing over and over and over and over again.


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