The Morning Before Chritmas

It was the morning before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a cat, and there are three of them.
The stockings were hung from the bookshelves with care because let's face it there is no fireplace.
The children were still sleeping, dreaming of electronics, video games and such.
The husband was snoring at 5 am, so I got out of bed to start the day early.
I sat in the kitchen, drinking my tea, thinking about all the things that had to be done before the next day.
With pencil in hand I began to make notes.
"Look at this list. Where do I start? I'm not sure it can be done all in one day."
So I let out a big sigh and started my work.
Halfway through the morning the others awoke.
The list was half done, will I get any help?
After each finished their breakfast, I smiled a big smile.
" Before you decide to plop yourself down in front of the TV or run outside to play, I have a few chores that you need to get done."
Oh, they whined and complained but I told them the facts.
"These things will be done or you will spend Christmas alone in your room with no gifts."
"Not that," they said,"not that."
So we worked all morning long and before we knew it, it was past noon and time for a break.
As we sat down to eat I looked at my list, then said to them, "Thank you for all your help this morning before Christmas. You can now go out and play, I think I can handle it the rest of the day."
After a chorus of "Thank you Mom", they quickly put their snow suits on.
As they raced out the door I heard them exclaim, "Hurry up before she changes her mind."

Merry Christmas to all!!!!!!!


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