Weekend tales
It's Saturday after Thanksgiving and all is quiet here for me. It just did not feel like Thanksgiving this year. For one thing once again no snow for the hunters. This is the first year that the husband has not yet gotten a deer with the gun. He has not even seen one. Two of his brothers have not gotten any either. I don't think the deer population is as big as the DNR tries to make people believe. Or maybe the deer have just gotten smarter. Because there is no snow the deer can lie down in the tall grass and are hard to find.
My Mom told me of a guy who was sitting in a tree stand, during bow season, when he saw a big buck start to come his way. As he was watching it hoping it would come closer he heard someone else start coming toward him and the deer. He watched as that deer lied down as flat as it could with only it's horns sticking up. Then he watched the people walk within a couple feet of the deer and they never saw it. Boy I bet he wishes he had a video camera. That was one deer that learned it's lessons well from it's mama.
The deer population might be down this year because last winter was the kind of winter we have not had around here in a long time. Allot of deer might not even have survived. I know I have not seen as many deer around this year.
Up north here away someone told me the deer are jumpier because of wolves in the area.
It's so warm here yet that the bears are not hibernating yet. One of my cousins was hunting with a friend and the friend was sitting in a tree stand. He had a small pile of corn the proper distance from the stand when a bear came in and started eating the corn. He tried yelling at it and throwing things at it but all it did was continue eating the corn. After a bit or the corn was gone it just casually walked away.
Another bear sighting was by a nephew who was going to his tree stand. Even with a bear in the area he and his father allowed two young boys to walk through the woods alone to drive deer to them. If I saw a bear that close just wandering around I would not let or advise anyone to be alone or unprotected.
Enough about deer. Here is a tale someone told me at work about something that happened when he was growing up.
It was a cold winter and the water pipes had frozen. His sister was all upset because she could not wash her hair. So their dad told her that maybe she could go out and get a kettle of snow and melt it on the stove. She went and got the kettle full of snow and started melting it on the stove. While she was waiting, very impatiently, she said, " I don't know what we'll do if the pipes freeze in July."
Trying to keep a straight face one of her brothers suggests she get a bunch of plastic bags, fill them with snow and keep them in the freezer.
She thought this would be a great idea and went to the cupboard to get the bags. As she grabbed the box of bags, the light finally came on. She throw the box at her brothers who were almost rolling on the floor laughing and she stormed out of the room.
Last Saturday Paulina, myself and the oldest one went to Green Bay to attend Football 101 For Women only. We meet a few of the Packer players and their wives. We also ran drills with them in the Hudson center. Meeting some of the players is always fun.
Well the sun is coming up so I guess I'll go have some breakfast and watch the news for awhile and see who else is not using their brain.
Thought of the day;
"Things are only things. Nothing is worth trampling someone over."