My husband the hunter
While sitting at my computer trying to figure out what to write I watch the sun come up . The way the sky is so colorful to the east I
atch the sun rise for a while. I then decided to take a couple of pictures
of my backyard. It's about 5 above and no wind. It sounds like we are suppose to get more snow tomorrow. Yuck.
My brother-in-law owns the field next to us. From time to time he spreads manure on it. After he does that there is a turkey that comes out and tries to find things to eat. Usually this time of year turkeys hang together but for some reason he is alone. My husband, being the hunter, he can't wait for turkey season to start. He only started hunting turkeys a couple of years ago. He was so proud of his first one he had the tail and beard mounted. Personally I could not kill an animal, but I do eat meat, I just can't be around when one is being killed. My husband also hunts deer. We usually end up with a few deer in the freezer every year. Some years I eat more venison then beef. Am I red neck or as my oldest daughter likes to say: "In this part of the country you are hick." What is the difference?"
Anyway, my husband and I this last September took a trip all the way to the pacific ocean. Neither one of us had ever been there, and it was on my list of things to do. On the way out there going through states like South Dakota and Wyoming we saw allot of deer and antelope, now all he wants to do is go out there and go hunting. He is finding out it's not cheap for an out of state person to hunt in another state. I would much rather hunt with a camera. Nothing gets hurt, except maybe a bug or two when I swat them.
Last night he was looking up boar hunting in Texas. I guess there are allot of boars down there. I have never been to Texas and it is on my list of places to visit. The only thing is I don't want to go down there for that. I like his original idea of just going out to Yellowstone and that area and really see things in a slow relaxed way. But the hunter in him is driving his thinking. He says, hunting in other places like that is on his list.
Before he can think about hunting he should be getting a couple of medical problems fixed first. Like he has pinched nerves in both elbows and he has a rib that is giving him problems, why? Don't know. I told him once those things are fixed then he can do that kind of hunting.
There are allot of tales I could tell about my husband and his hunting, maybe sometime I will. The best ones I will tell are about the ones that got away.
The thought for today:
"Comfortable silence shows a better relationship than mindless chatter."
of my backyard. It's about 5 above and no wind. It sounds like we are suppose to get more snow tomorrow. Yuck.
My brother-in-law owns the field next to us. From time to time he spreads manure on it. After he does that there is a turkey that comes out and tries to find things to eat. Usually this time of year turkeys hang together but for some reason he is alone. My husband, being the hunter, he can't wait for turkey season to start. He only started hunting turkeys a couple of years ago. He was so proud of his first one he had the tail and beard mounted. Personally I could not kill an animal, but I do eat meat, I just can't be around when one is being killed. My husband also hunts deer. We usually end up with a few deer in the freezer every year. Some years I eat more venison then beef. Am I red neck or as my oldest daughter likes to say: "In this part of the country you are hick." What is the difference?"
Anyway, my husband and I this last September took a trip all the way to the pacific ocean. Neither one of us had ever been there, and it was on my list of things to do. On the way out there going through states like South Dakota and Wyoming we saw allot of deer and antelope, now all he wants to do is go out there and go hunting. He is finding out it's not cheap for an out of state person to hunt in another state. I would much rather hunt with a camera. Nothing gets hurt, except maybe a bug or two when I swat them.
Last night he was looking up boar hunting in Texas. I guess there are allot of boars down there. I have never been to Texas and it is on my list of places to visit. The only thing is I don't want to go down there for that. I like his original idea of just going out to Yellowstone and that area and really see things in a slow relaxed way. But the hunter in him is driving his thinking. He says, hunting in other places like that is on his list.
Before he can think about hunting he should be getting a couple of medical problems fixed first. Like he has pinched nerves in both elbows and he has a rib that is giving him problems, why? Don't know. I told him once those things are fixed then he can do that kind of hunting.
There are allot of tales I could tell about my husband and his hunting, maybe sometime I will. The best ones I will tell are about the ones that got away.
The thought for today:
"Comfortable silence shows a better relationship than mindless chatter."