
Showing posts from January, 2022

Welcome 2022!!

It's the start of a new year. The last two were not good for most anyone. Now we all know what happened so I don't think I have to repeat any of it, do I? I know I didn't post much last year. I thought about it often but I'm a huge procrastinator. That and I work a lot. So most days when I get home my mind and my body says, "It's time to think of nothing else. Sat down and relax." I can post some weekends if I really want to. But, unfortunately I end up working on Saturdays. So the one day I get off I have too many other things to do.  So we will see if I can be more creative this year. Three things that are happening this year are: The first thing, the husband is going to have corporal tunnel surgery. That happens this month. In February my daughter will give birth to our second granddaughter.  In March the husband plans on retiring from his job. Those are the main events that I know are happening. The rest is up in the air. As for things I want to happen...