Pondering Graffiti
I think it's time I stopped thinking about politics. Whatever is going to happen is going to happen. I was sitting here trying to figure out what to ponder. I went to a random image generator and started looking through some pictures. I saw a picture of a couple of people doing graffiti on a wall. Kind of like this: So this got me to thinking about it. I come from a small town. I don't see a lot of graffiti. But I always admire what I see. There is so much talent out there that will never be able to really be recognized. Traveling down a road next to a railroad tracks and I see a train with a number of different cars with what I guess is considered gang markings, I always have a thought about what those people who did these kinds of things could really create besides gang markings. I wish I could draw like that. Wouldn't it be interesting if people who were caught doing those kind of things were instead given an opportunity to create something ...