
Showing posts from January, 2019

Something to ponder

Well I finally have a little time and energy to post a little something here. I've had one question that has been rolling around in my head for some time. "How does someone supervise over jobs they have never done?" I always thought a supervisor was someone who had experience doing a job and that they could help someone else do the job if they needed help or advice. You know someone who started at the bottom and worked their way up. Someone who was able to do they job so well they could help someone honestly and productively.  But now a days, people are hired from someplace else with no real experience doing that job. They have a degree that says they know how to be a boss. But they have no idea about the actual details of the job they are supervising over. It's sad. They then try their best to get rid of the most experience so eventually they think they look smart to new people. Eventually the product quality will suffer.  I have asked a num...

Welcome 2019!!!

Well, it's the start of a New Year! I know I've been very slack on posting for most of last year. Heck lets face it, for a long time now. I'm not one who makes New Years resolutions. I don't plan on starting now. I will make more attempts to post more often, maybe. I'm still debating with myself what I should focus on. I could post about political things that are always in the news. But let's face it, don't we get enough of that thrown in our faces at every turn?  All right I will admit I will still do that from time to time. When I really need to vent about some stupid selfish things that some political persons has done or said to set me off. But I will try to limit those posts. Maybe I'll post more boring things about my day to day life. Just so you can see how boring and uneventful my life really is. Things like a calf that was born on December 5th. I want to call her Tiny. She maybe weighed 45 pounds when she was born. B...