Hiking and Pondering things.

I know I really missed the first of the month. I could have written something a number of times. But when the thoughts came to me I was no where near a computer. First off I will say we have been hiking. So far we have done four hikes. Here are a few pics from those hikes: Picture of the Chippewa River. Taken during the first hike. This nest was right next to the trail. The mama was very near by. Three of the four hikes were over by Cornell area. The last picture was taken during our shortest hike going east of here. We officially finished Taylor county. When we go east again we will be starting in Lincoln county. So that is one thing we have been doing lately. Only weather permitting of course. One other thing is we have celebrated our granddaughters first birthday. They made her, her own smash cake. She got a bath right away after that. Other wise the rest of my days have been the same old same old boring days. Exc...