March 2018

Well, that was an interesting month. Most of the month I was kind of battling with a cold. It is finally letting me go from it's grasp of coughing and sniffling and blowing the nose. I hope this next month will be a healthier one. I hope everyone else is not having to deal with this cold or even flu. February for me was an uneventful one in other areas of my life. It can be good but then it can be very boring. Work is a little busier then I like. There are hints that it is only going to be busier. I'm not looking forward to over time. I would say where I work but I won't. I will say it is a cheesy one. There is one customer that is wanting a lot from us and our company has, in my opinion, has over committed us for the workers we have. They try to hire more people through temp agencies but most of them never stick around very long. I just hope someone in charge soon really sees the problem and solves it so the workers have more to their lives then work and very...