August 2017

Well it's the 1st of August. I don't know about you but it feels like this year has just been flying by faster then I want it to. July had it's moments. Nothing earth shattering happened to me. We did go hiking a few times. When it was not raining or too hot or the husband was not baling hay. You want to see a few pictures? Well they are: The hikes were all very good. The weather was just right most of the time. During the hikes we saw different things. During one hike the husband almost walked into a bear. He was in front of me and about to round a curve in the trail when he stopped and said "Woo". I said. "What?" He said, "Bear". That's when I heard the bear start to go crashing though the woods. He figured it was about a 300 lbs. I just hope we do not run into any more. I still plan on trying to get the trail through Taylor County done by I hope Labor Day weekend. At least that's when he want...