April 2017

Happy April Fools Day to everyone! It's almost hard to believe that another month has gone by. Is it just me or is this year just flying by? My month was not to bad, for me personally that is. Let me think what to say.... I can show you the neighborhood peeping tom: This guy has been peeping in a number of different peoples basement windows this past month. I think it was part of their daily path. Morning and night, for awhile him and two other toms would come around. One would stop at the window and start banging on it. He sees his reflection and thinks it's another tom. He has put a number of holes in the screen. Dumb bird. I do have a female turkey in a pen in the back yard. You would think he would be over there trying to impress her. They just kind of look at her at move on. I do have one other animal story to tell you, but no pictures. I was sitting on the couch one afternoon after work just chilling, when I looked out the window and noticed a bird f...