Feb. 2017

Well it's the beginning of another month. January just flew by. Let see what can I tell you about the last month. My daughter and her husband announced what they are having in a kind of explosive way in my backyard. The woods is now pink. I will have a granddaughter come June sometime. Before I go any farther I will show you the swing: We have a far amount of snow right now.There was more but there was that warm spell that closed the snowmobile trail for awhile. I think that some might be opening again this weekend in some places. But I really don't care because I don't snowmobile. If you are looking for the pink, the recent snow covered it up, so sorry. I don't know if you can see the stump in the back. There's not much left of it after the announcement. The rest of the month was not real exciting for me. Well nothing that is worth mentioning anyway. I have been working on a project. It's half done. I haven't been in the mood lately...