January 2017

We can finally say goodbye to 2016. This has been a year that I think most are glad to see end. So many almost unbelievable things happened. I don't think I have to list them, do I? I know I had a down feeling at the beginning of it and I guess I was right. 2017 for me I think will hold many good things. First I will become a grandma in June for the first time. Maybe that's why I feel it will be a good year. Or maybe something else also will happen that will help me stay in high spirits. What it will be is any ones guess. As for what could happen in other things, well it will be a very eye opening year for many others. Things and people are never what they look like from a distance. Sometimes they are worse. Sometimes not so bad. I'm hoping common sense will be back in style. Lies, fake news, and half truths will not be focused on so much. To sensationalize someone else's pain to bring attention to you, is the quickest way to attra...