August 1, 2016

Well another month has gone by. How was your month? For me personally, not to bad. I did decide to start letting my inner bitch come out from time to time when needed. I'm tired of always caving in to others and letting them do what they want even though my wants and needs are just as important as theirs. So watch out world here I come, ready or not. Let's see, how about the weather. This last month was either hot or very wet. Up north of here close to Ashland, a number of roads were washed out during one rain storm. Some of these roads will be awhile before they are fixed right. I just wonder what this month will bring. Will it continue or have a sudden change? I think there is a possibility we could have an early winter around here with colder temps then we had this last time. Bears are starting to hit some of the neighbors bird feeders. That's why I do not feed the birds in the summer or fall. I will put seed out after I know the bears are hopeful...