May 1, 2016

Another month has just breezed by for 2016. Before I get into anything else I will show you a picture of the swing I just took. I've got some branches that I raked up from the yard that I put in the fire pit. Now I just have to get the right time to light it. It was a little windy just now so it will have to wait till maybe this coming weekend. As you can see the grass is green but there no leaves on the trees yet. Still waiting for the temps to warm up and stay warm. There is still a nip in the air. To compare here is what it looked like last year. I guess it looks a lot the same. When it comes to this time of year it kind looks the same year to year. I just might not show you the differences during the summer months and early fall. The only time you can really tell the difference from year to year is during the winter months. So I will not be showing you the swing for a while, unless there is a big change that happens dur...