March 1, 2016

It's the first of a month and I finally have a little time to post something. To start with here is a picture of the swing I just took. It's a nice sunny day right now, but it is a little on the chilly side. It's around 20 degrees right now. Not a whole lot of snow on the round right now. Next week it is suppose to get warmer. I hope we do have an early spring. I want to do things outside. Now to compare, here are pictures from the last two years. Last year. 2014 Now that year we had snow. With each year we are getting less and less snow. I wonder how much we will have next year at this time. I'm sorry to say I do not have a project done. It's almost done but not quite. I will have it finished by the start of next month, I promise. Plus I might have another one also, maybe. I suppose I should ponder something. Since today is what they are calling Super Tuesday I guess I could comment on the possibilities of what could happen aft...