February 1, 2016

Hi all! How was the first moth of the year for you? Mine was quieter then it was for others. Before I get into other things let me show you the swing. This time tomorrow, it will look different. We are suppose to get a snow storm. Not as bad as they had it on the East coast but they are already canceling some schools for tomorrow. Now here are the last two years to compare swing with. This is from last year. As you can see there was more snow on the ground then this year. 2014. The swing was almost covered with snow. I wonder what next year will look like. You never know what kind of winter you will have in Wisconsin each year. But I think you can say that almost everywhere. I'm sorry, but I have not finished a project in time to show you. I just have not been in the mood to do much crafting. I do want to have at least two project to show you next time. Now I suppose it's time once again for things to ponder. As I'm writing this...