July 1, 2015

Another month has gone by. Where is the year going? I keep promising to post more often but for some reason I can not find the time and or motivation to do it. I do have another blog where I do have myself on a schedule, posting twice a week.That blog is called Dear Howard: A fading History, if you don't already know about it. Plus right now I'm involved with a play, which I have a part in. The play is Called "A Bad Year for Tomatoes". The show dates are next weekend. It's a very funny play. I have not been making any plastic canvas because of the play plus I had to teach myself how do knit. My character knits on stage. Now the only thing I have to figure out is what to do with what I'm knitting. Those are my present excuses for not posting here. Here is the picture I just took of the swing for the 1st of July. If you notice in the background there are hay bales on the field. They belong to my brother-in-law. Now here is what it ...