A day late and a dollar short

I meant to post yesterday but, I was not home to do that. I did take a picture of the swing for the first of the month. Check it out. As you can see things are very green. Finally! I do have a plan that will someday, hopefully soon, fix the swing up and make it look more inviting to hang out on. Plus there is a fire pit not far from the swing that I also want to make more usable. But right now I'm trying to get something worked out in front of the house. When I have it all set up the way I want it I will show you the finished product. That is weather permitting and the husband getting the right size blocks to make it look better. Speaking of weather here is a picture I took a little while ago. A rainbow! Well part of a rainbow. It's not easy to see the whole thing when you have a lot of trees around you. Now for what else I have to say. I'll make the comments as short as possible. This guy... An over privileged spoiled idiot blaming the world fo...