
Showing posts from October, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!!!!!

                                          Ghoul taking a bath so he can be ready for Halloween!                                           HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!

Good News, Bad News

  Well the good news to the world is this bad guy has come to end. Bad news for him though. The question is what is next for Libya. I hope more good things are to come for them. Hoping that they find the right kind of leadership that will bring happiness, harmony, and peace to the whole country. Bad news for Harold Camping, we are all still here. Good news for the rest of us. Unless you were an evil dude.Then the world did end for you a day or so earlier then it was suppose too. Good news for this dog in Wausau that was saved by these two fire fighters, when they gave him mouth to  snout after they rescued him from his burning house. Bad news this guy releasing his exotic animal collection then killing himself. All of those beautiful animals killed because of this bad guy's twisted mind. It makes you wonder what he did to those animals before he let them go. My guess is he was not feeding them so that when they were released they became very aggressive and deadly to anyon...

Shooting and Things

  Well the first thing I'm going to ponder is that horrible shooting in California.  I hate it when I hear about things like this. The man was was having an issue with his ex wife over their  young son. Explain to me how going to the place your wife works killing her and all those other people is going to win your son. All it's going to get you is a son who has no parents and will be raised by someone else.You will never have a hand in anything that he will need guiding through  for the rest of his life. Never be able to read him a story, play ball, help him mend a a boo boo or help him mend a broken a heart. He will have to go through life with the stigma of what you did to his mother because of twisted selfish reasons. Face it you were not really thinking about his future only your own disappointment in yourself for not getting your way. Going after someone like that because in your mind you are going to teach them a final  lesson will only blow up in your fac...

Protests and Trials

I'm just a small town country girl far from all the people who are protesting at places like Wall Street. I see all of their points about doing what they are doing it. I'm just as upset about the way big corporations and big banks rule this country and dictate how our lives go financially. It's just not right. The whole world is suffering under this kind of rule. It does not matter where you live. Do I think protesting like this is going to work? Nope. Why you ask? Because I think the big wigs just look at this down from their self appointed thrones and giggle to themselves thinking,"Oh, they are so cute marching around holding their little signs thinking they can change things. It's just entertainment to us. We are the gods and rulers of this world not the slaves."  That's right I said slaves. No matter what we do in our lives we are doing it to support some big wigs life style in some way or another.  Can this be changed? I'm not sure. The only way t...


You tell a lie Live a lie, Become a lie.

Pondering the elimination of another bad Dude

  Well they eliminated another bad dude.  So who's next? But for some reason some people think that because he was born in the USA they should not have done what they did to him. All I can say to those people is they are a bunch of dodo brains. Plain and simple he hated his home land leadership. There are allot of people who live in the good old USA that hate the leadership here, so it should be no surprise that one would go to the number one enemy group. The way I see it,( your average regular old country girl), they have been putting some really big dents in that terrorist group. Which is a good thing. But, it is also spawning  more lone wolf type people to do things that will be allot more unexpected. All in the name of whatever they think is being looked down upon. As the world becomes more and more unstable and over connected, the unrest in going to become more deadly to the innocent bystanders. Is there anything we can do about it? Nope. As long as the greedy elit...