Bigger Is Not Necessarily Better
I decided to take a survey today a work. The question was: "When I say, Bigger is not necessarily better, what comes to your mind?" Most people would grin at first not sure what to say. I told them whatever it is just say it. As you might guess most answers involved sex. These are some of the things they said that involved sex: Penis was said 10 times. Sex was said 4 times. Boobs was said 5 times. Then there was naughty thoughts, dirty stuff and something sexual. The other short replies were; A house, a meal, money, government, plant building, engine, bullshit, weight, ice cream cone, size, piece of cake,big corporations and big business. The other longer replies were: Heavier people are friendlier then skinny people. Bigger could lead to lower quality. Quality beats quantity. It's not the size of the ship, it's how you sail it. It's how you use it. Not always a good thing to be over educated. Now to tell you the truth I knew I would get answers ...