To feed Wildlife Or not to feed wild life

First bear sighting of the year You see that black spot between the two trees? Well that is a bear that was in a neighbors field Sunday night. I'm almost sure that Saturday morning there was one that was so close to our place that it spooked the horses causing them to go through the fence and run down the road to a neighbors field. Now this one is just a small one and according to what I've heard one of the people in the neighborhood has bear bait on his land. He is said to have commented that he had his trail camera set up near the bait and has gotten pictures of 16 different bear. In my book that is to many bear for our neighborhood. We are only about three mile out of town and there are allot of dwellings in this area. I enjoy wildlife just as much as everyone else but, I really don't think they should be feed in that way in an area that has as many people as we have. If you are going to bait something like bear it should be done in a remote area of forest far away fro...