Random Thoughts.
It's been another quiet week for me here. I'm looking forward to the election being over. I'm tired of all the political adds that are forever on TV. Just as long as it turns out the way I want it and know it should be, all might get better, eventually. I did see something on the news one day that if McCain is elected I think that one of the terrorist groups has something planned to welcome in another four more years of Bushism's so to speak. All I will say is that if you want to be safer vote Obama, hopefully things will start to change. The world would like to deal with someone who will listen first and can respect each other. Understanding is something so many people refuse to do any more. Jumping to conclusions is what most people do now a days. I like everyone else has had a moment when someone is convinced that what they know about you is the absolute truth when it is so far from it. When this happens to me I do my best to tell them the truth or show them how wro...