
Showing posts from August, 2008

Vice President Ponderings

I'm not sure what others think about McCain's choice for VP but to me it looks desperate. I think his choice is dumb. To me it looks like he picked her because; One she is a woman. I think he thinks women will vote for him because he picked a woman (Hillary supporters). Two, she is a member of the NRA. She even hunts moose with her husband. Big deal. Another VP who could shot someone in their hunting party by mistake. Three, she is pro life like him. Sorry I'm pro choice. Four, she has a child with down syndrome. This could bring in voters who have children with disabilities or have disabilities of their own. Five, she's young and inexperienced,kind of like Obama. This way both tickets have one experienced person and one not so experienced. The only thing is McCain has a higher chance of dieing in office from natural causes then Obama. She could become the first woman president. But I think it would be all a set up. She is already under investigation for something. ...

Pondering Monday and Desert

What should I ponder about today. I could ponder about the up coming election but enough people are putting their pondering ideas into that. If you want my opinion it's going to be what it's going to be. Not every person will be happy about it. Shocker right. There are some people who are not happy unless they are making a fuss about everything. I think they are thinking something like, "I don't agree with anything no matter what. I must be miserable at all cost. And make everyone around me even more miserable." I'm really not into politics. I'm pondering on making a desert with Jello and different fruit in it. One is blackberries. It calls for a cup. I wanted some fresh ones and lucky for me there was some growing at the end of my driveway. I wasn't sure if there would be enough because it's been a bad growing year for a number of plants. But I have my cup of blackberries. The name of the desert is Over the Rainbow. It has four flavors of gelati...

Tragedy on the Highway

Sunday night around 8:30 there were reports of a man, dressed all in black, running around on the highway north of town. He was running at cars causing people to swerve to miss him. People were calling the cops to tell them about him. Before they could get to him he was able to jump out in front of a car and finally got what he wanted. The person who hit him said he was like a deer. He jump out so quick he could not react in time. The man died. He was 20 years old and for some reason wanted to commit suicide. As of right now I have not heard of why. Was his life so bad he couldn't handle it any more? Or was he on something that drove him to want to kill himself? I feel so sorry for the person who hit him. He will have the memory of this for the rest of his life. I don't think it's fair for him or anyone else to have to live with this sort of thing. A person who is so bent on ending their life and do it in a way where someone else is responsible for ending their life, to m...

Random Thoughts.

It's once again a quiet Sunday morning, for now. I've been thinking about what to write and had allot of different thoughts. Like a few weeks ago my neighbor to the north of me put up private property signs along the road. How odd. We may live in the country and they own about 2.3 acres of land, which is all woods with half of it swamp. Why did they feel they had to put up those kind of signs now? In my opinion anyone who puts up those signs, are in fact guilty of trespassing on other people property. You have to know these people to know they are not trust worthy people. My father in-laws health has been bad for along time. My mother in-law has had him one foot in the grave for about 7 to 10 years. It's hard to remember exactly. According to her he has about a half dozen different cancers, he only has one kidney, he has had open heart surgery, one knee replaced( they can't do the other one because he would not survive the surgery), he has poor circulation, has had a n...

Sunday Morning Thoughts

It's a quiet Sunday morning, everyone is either sleeping or working. But I think later today we will be moving my youngest one to her new place over in Mosinee. It'll be closer for her to get to work. For me other wise it's been kind of peaceful. Do real dramas in my life right now. But it seams the rest of the world is have allot. The Olympics is off and running. With one American being killed by someone who then took their own life. I wonder if this person was one of the people who lost their home because of the Olympics? It's possible. Or maybe he was just unstable. I just hope no other people are hurt in anyway while they are over there. Lets see what else is going on. Russia is at war with Georgia. Innocent people are being killed for what real reason? I say if top people have a problem with each other they and only they should be sent to a special Island where problems such as these can be settled with out involving people who just happen to be there. I know this ...

Packer Soap Opera

As a packer fan I say enough is enough! Last night I was going to watch the local news and what comes on instead? A news conference about the future of Brett Farve as a Packer. In my opinion the same question was being asked over and over again for over a half hour. Why did two local stations feel they had to show this farce? I don't know what has really gone on behind the scenes at Green Bay but someone better stop this nonsense. If Brett wants to move on let him go or if he wants to play for the Pack as a starter why not? I can kind of see the team might already have things planned out without him and want to work with this plan. Then say so. Let Brett go. This stupidity is only making some fans want to turn away from the team. It would be weird seeing Brett play for another team but people will get use to it. They get use to other players doing the same thing. A team is more then one player. The bad feelings that are already there will only get worse the longer this is dragged ...

My growing garden

Oh how my garden is growing. I planted a row of sunflower seeds and right now they are maybe over 7 or 8 feet tall, I think. They are very tall. I also planted a couple of pumpkin plants and gourds and the one here is the beginning of a pumpkin. As it grows bigger maybe I'll take a picture of this one and maybe others. I'm just hoping they can grow to the size they are suppose to before it gets to late. My husband thinks we could have an early frost. Time will tell what Mother Nature has in store for us. At work today this one guy said something so funny and weird I had to write it down. He said, " I've too much on my mind. I'm trying to get my ass in order." I thought it was funny. It was the beginning of our shift and things take a little while to get a good flow going. Thought of the day: "Take a moment to thank yourself every day."