Vice President Ponderings
I'm not sure what others think about McCain's choice for VP but to me it looks desperate. I think his choice is dumb. To me it looks like he picked her because; One she is a woman. I think he thinks women will vote for him because he picked a woman (Hillary supporters). Two, she is a member of the NRA. She even hunts moose with her husband. Big deal. Another VP who could shot someone in their hunting party by mistake. Three, she is pro life like him. Sorry I'm pro choice. Four, she has a child with down syndrome. This could bring in voters who have children with disabilities or have disabilities of their own. Five, she's young and inexperienced,kind of like Obama. This way both tickets have one experienced person and one not so experienced. The only thing is McCain has a higher chance of dieing in office from natural causes then Obama. She could become the first woman president. But I think it would be all a set up. She is already under investigation for something. ...