July 2018

It's July 1st, Sunday morning. The house is quiet. The husband is still sleeping. The sun will shine a bit today. It did rain last night after a couple of days of temps in the 90's. Which was too hot for me. I was on vacation this last week. We went hiking a couple of times. I guess I'll show you a few of pictures from those hikes. Along the trail from time to time are benches. Some have dedications on them, some don't. Not sure what this shack was for. Maybe it was an outhouse, or a hunting shack or someone suggested a North woods Tardis. What do you think? This is a map of the trail we have been following going East. We had been going west but the husband needed to be closer because he was baling hay. Not sure where we will hike the next time. We might continue going East or maybe taking the trail West. It all depends on the mood and the weather. That's about all I did this last week. July, for me is going to be starting out n...