May 2017

Well another month has gone by. So far this year for me is just flying by. I have started my next big thing. The husband and I have started hiking the Ice Age Trail. For those of you who don't know what it is I'll tell you. It's a trail that goes through Wisconsin. It's over 1100 miles long. it's still a work in progress. There about 620 miles of it complete for hiking. The rest is connecting roads. It starts on the west side of the state by St. Croix Falls and ends up by Sturgeon Bay. For me I'm started in the middle close to home and I will work my way west. After I get the done I will come back to where we started and then start going east and south. and then north. It will take me years to do it because I can only do weekend day hikes right now, weather permitting that is. We have done a total of 5 hikes so far. Right now is a good time because it has not been hot or buggy so far but I think that is about to change. If we keep the pace we have...