March 2017

It's almost hard to believe that two months have gone by. I don't know if it feels like time is going faster because I'm getting older or it things are just happening that much faster. The last month for me personally was just the same old same old. But I did learn a classmate of mine passed away. We were never friends. In fact, he was one of the first ones that made my school days very miserable. Looking back on way things turned out the way they did, I kind of wish things had been different between us. He had always been on my mind when he shouldn't have been. I think that if things had been different we could have been friends and the future would have been different for both of us. But dumb me missed a last chance to see him at our last class reunion back in 2015. Now I will forever live with that regret. If I could send him a message now I would say: Peter Keuer: To the boy I knew, and to the man I wish I had known, you will forever be in my...