September 2016

I know I'm late with a post. I usually do it on the first of the month. I have not been in the mood to write. Not to say I have nothing to say. I do have plenty of that stored up. In my head. But Not in the mood to put it down in writing. This last month was an interesting one for different reasons for different people. The weather was still doing what it always does, changing everyday. Politics, it's like watching a couple of middle school kids fight to be number one in only a way middle school kids can. Calling names and making insulting comments about everyone not exactly like themselves. I'm not sure I'll be able to keep my sanity till November not to say I have it now. I just might have to stop watching the news, answering the phone, reading the paper. The only way that will happen is if I crawl under a rock. But crawling under a rock will not help. Maybe it's time the country stop relying on a two party system and branch out to other choices...