I don't know about you, but I'm tired of all the old ideas that should have been left at the side but are always front and center. Things are never going to change until we start living for a future and not the past view of things. We like to tell ourselves that everyone is here for a reason. The question is what is the reason? Is it for the good or for the bad? Are we suppose to continue to live for past things that happened generations ago? When we live like this the future will only look like the past. If the past is hated so much, how come so many insist on keeping it going? For I would like to be able to judge someone for them, not the bad image that is always being presented to me by others. Will we ever be able to live honestly with common sense? Will respect ever be a trend and something everyone really strives for? Sometimes it feels like the people who say they want to fix things are the ones making it worse. All people have got to come toge...