April 1, 2016

It's hard to believe it's the beginning of April already. How has your last month go? Mine was nothing much to talk about. Before I get into anything let me show you the swing. As you can see, no snow, at the moment I took this picture. But it has been snowing a little bit here and little bit there. It does not stay long, thank goodness. I just want it to dry up so we can start doing other things in outside. Here are pictures of the swing from the last two years. This was last year,2015 This was 2014, the year we didn't think winter would ever end. You just never know what the weather will like at this time from year to year. I'm thinking about stopping showing you pictures of the swing every month. During the summer it does not change very much. Each winter can be so different, that is the time to share a picture. But what I was thinking of doing is maybe just doing it 4 times a year. You know for the start of each season. Then you will s...