February 1,2015

Well it's been over a year since I started recording pictures of my swing. Here is the picture of the swing on the first of February. Here is a picture of the swing last year. Last year at this time we had a lot more snow, as you can see. South of here a hundred miles or so it is snowing. South and East they are getting hit by a big storm. It may not be snowing here but it is cold and windy. This is the time of year it is easier to tell the differences in the years. I might also over time do somethings around the swing to help tell the different years. I have also completed a couple of projects. Here they are. This little guy is suppose to hang on a door knob. The husband said I could put magnets on it and put it on the fridge. As you can see they are scarecrows and crows on a kind of wooden wreath. It should have a bow on it but right now I don't what color to put on. What do you think? As for things going on in my live, I've ...