January 1 Happy New Year!!

It's the beginning of a new year. The last one, as usual had more challenges for the world then we saw coming. I'm sure this next one will be more of the same. I don't make resolutions. I may have tried somethings last year but I didn't keep too many of them. Making changes in your life can be done at anytime. One thing I am sticking to is taking a picture of my swing the first of every month. I started this in February of last year. So this next picture is the first for January. As I was taking this picture it was lightly snowing. The temp was about 12 above zero. This weekend it's suppose to get below zero for awhile, again. Next month you will be able to see the differences between last February and this one. That is one thing I will try to keep up with. Showing you the difference of the beginning of every month from year to year. Over time you might see differences I might want to do some changes around the swing from time to time too. One ...