September 1

I know it's been a month but I am still here. Here is the first of the month picture of the swing. I the weeds look like they are flatter then they were last month. The grass is still very green for this time of year because we have been getting a lot more rain then we usually get. At least it's not cold, yet. The husband is trying to figure out exactly what kind of winter we will have this year. A lot of snow or not. Cold or mild. He has a few methods he goes by but this year he is not guessing. So I guess time will tell what Mother Nature has in store for us this year. My second batch of gnomes have been done for awhile and I remembered to take a picture of them. They look better then they did. I have one more plastic canvas project done. A welcome sign to hang on the door. I suppose your wondering what else I've up to. Well not to much. My youngest one thinks I should ponder things that are not so depressing. She is right. Right now I'm...