August 1 and more other things to ponder

I know it's been a while since I've posted anything but I'm sorry. The only excuse i have right now is it's summer and I'm not in the mood to ponder things to much right now. Not to say I haven't been thinking about things because I have. The first thing I will share with you is my first of the month picture of my swing. Ready, here it is. TA! DA! The swing!!!!!!!! The long grass behind it might be a little browner then last month but that's about it. I suppose you want to know what else I've been up to. Well I'm going to share a few pictures with you that I managed to take. This is what I see from time to time from by bedroom window.I manage to get this picture the other day. There is also three fawns the husband has seen in the field. I have not been able to get a picture of them yet. These are my three turkeys. It's always fun talking to them. I just kind of whistle at them and they talk back. Remember the gnomes I w...