Where did they put that plane? Plus a project
Doesn't it seam strange that a big plane like that could just go missing? For no one to know what happened is so weird. They can trace a cell phone or a car with GPS, why can't they do it with a plane? And I thought we had so much technology we could do anything. I guess they fooled us, huh? Now the logical explanations are mechanical problems, human error or an act of terrorism. So seeing that they can't say it's one of these I've come up with my own explanations. The first one is the whole plane was taken by aliens. They needed some more people for their zoos. The second one is, they flew through a worm hole and are on a planet that really has things figured out and are a very Utopian world of peace. Or they are on a very hostel world were they have to hide from prehistoric creatures.Or they will turn up sometime in the future with a hell of tale to tell. The third one is, Hollywood is making a movie and didn't tell anyone they were makin...