My next project challenge for myself

I decided awhile ago to challenge myself with some projects. What you ask? Plastic canvas things that what. I have a number of books and magazines with all kinds of patterns. So after some deciding I choose this one. I will be making all 101 things in this book. I've already started. Here are the ones I have done so far. This one is in my bathroom, since I have an ocean kind of theme. This one needs a home. This is also for a tissue box and on the side a place for a spare TP roll or whatever else you want to put in it. It also needs a home. I did make this one also. I gave it to my Mom for Easter. It kind of looks like their house and it's something she can leave out all the time. I'm almost done with the next one. When I get it complete I will post it. I suppose your wondering how long It will take me to get all 101 things done. Well, it could take years. It takes awhile to get one done when I only work o...