
Showing posts from January, 2010

Jean Viken Cold Case

When I first started this blog one of the first things I wrote about was the murder of a local woman. She disappeared Jan 29th 2008 on one of the coldest days of that month. Her body was found I think in May of that year. She had been shot. Her van was found not long after she went missing up north. She was the mother of 4 young children and was going through a divorce at the time. Well here it is 2 years later and nothing has happened to try and find the person or persons responsible for her death. Why? I'm sure the whoever was responsible was really not that smart. It's as if the no one wants to get to the bottom of what really happened to her. Maybe she was not important enough. Maybe she was not connected to the right people.  I wonder what it would take to get more exposure to this cold case. If there was more pressure from some place else maybe the ones responsible would start to panic and make mistakes to expose the truth. It's time the truth was exposed. Remembe...

The World is a shaken

The earthquake  in Hatti is something the world will not soon forget. My heart goes out to all the people that are there. There will be so much pain for so many for a very long time. I just hope people will be able to help each other and not try to take advantage of those in pain. I also hope the country will be able to bring itself around and not fall apart or be torn apart by those who have selfish motives. Time will tell. Rebuilding will take a very long time. I think it was about a week ago there was a quake  in northern California that was about a 6.5. There was damage but no one was hurt that I know of. What a difference .5  can make. Is it my imagination or has there been allot more shaken going on lately? Is the earth starting to go through a change? Oh, don't forget about the volcanoes that have been acting up. Maybe we should be more focused on the signs the earth is giving us and a little bit less on certain wars. I'm not a war person, what can I say. Lif...

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!!!!

Happy New Year everyone!!!!! I feel like 2010 is going to be a good year for me. Well, at least a year of some kind of big changes. What are they? Beats me. I just feel like things are going to go really right for me this year. If I can hold onto this positive feeling all year better things will start happening. Or maybe I'll just start to see things in a different light. Maybe it's just a change in my point of view. Whatever it is I have good feelings about the future. 2009 was not the best year for me or most other people. Like the husband got cut in pay so much I now make more then he does and he runs a loading dock. So many other people have lost so much my heart goes out to them. Maybe for awhile materialism will not be so important. People were shown how out of hand greed has gotten. Some greedy are paying for it but not as much as the rest of us would like to see happen. Some of them are just laying low for awhile waiting for the time they can resume the royal pain...