Natures Show
It's Earth Day! And I'm enjoying the show that nature has been putting on around here. Yesterday I was outside doing some things and the frogs were being very noisy. I decided to go and check out this one wet spot that the loudest ones were talking. Usually when you get with in a few feet of a spot like this they all become silent, but not this bunch. They were having an orgy. There was one group of about four all piled on each other. They were flipping around as if they were trying to drowned one of them. I watched as another one seeked out one that was hidden under some dead grass. It sat there for awhile talking to it and it answered back every once and while. The one under the dead grass eventually came out and was pursued by that one and another one that was a ways farther away that decided to join in the pursuit. I stood there a while watching nature unfold. Today I went to the same spot and the frogs were not there like they were yesterday and if they were they kept thei...