Story idea revised

Trudy Bell is 11 years old. She is the middle child of three. There is her older sister Janet who is 14 and her younger brother Ben who is 8.
She often feels like she gets the short end of the stick being the middle child. Janet, is alway thought of as the pretty one. Like all older sisters she is always bossing Trudy around. She finds ways to get out of doing things making Trudy end up with more then her share of the chores. When Trudy complains her parents don't listen to her.
Ben is like most younger brothers a real pain in the butt. He is always finding ways to make things harder for Trudy. Getting in the way, playing around when there are chores to be done.
Trudy and her family live on a farm just outside of (A town yet to be named). They live on a farm that has been in the family for many years. They live in the big house and her grandparents live in a smaller house on the other side of the woods. They've lived in the bigger house ever since Trudy could remember. Her grandmother told her that when she was born they decided to give the bigger house to her parents because of their growing family. Plus she said she was getting to old be going up and down stairs at her age, and there are allot of stairs in the big house.
On the farm they milk cows, raise chickens and they grow fresh fruits and vegetables for themselves plus they also sell things in a small store that is set up at the end of their long driveway. Not only do they sell their produce but they also sell other peoples items.
Because of the size of the farm there are hired hands that handle most of the bigger jobs. Trudy's main job is taking care of the chickens, plus Janet's chores because she almost always finds a way to spend time with her friends instead of helping at home. Trudy likes to call her princess or your royal highness.
At school things are not much better. Ever since first grade she has had a hard time finding a good friend at school.Two of her classmates, Erica Prowell and Parker Kasey do everything they can to make Trudy feel alone and friendless. Why? Trudy can't figure out what she did to make them turn everyone against her. There are few kids that she talks to but no one she could really call a kindred spirit.
Trudy often comes home close to tears but her parents never seam to notice. Trudy's favorite place to go is her bedroom. It maybe the smallest but Trudy has made it very cozy. She has a window with a window seat where she looks out over the pond and backwoods. Trudy loves to just sit there especially when it's getting dark. She enjoys watching animals come out at of the woods at night. Or she watches her grandparents take the trail that leads to their house.
Recently when she was cleaning out her closet she noticed a line on the wall. She ran her hand along it, it was the outline of a door. She pushed on a corner and it popped open. Inside she found a treasure trove of things that were long forgotten. Exploring she discovered a trunk filled with old clothes. Another one with old books and pictures. A smaller one that had odds and ends in it.
She decided not tell anyone about her discovery.

Well that's what I've come up this week. If anyone is reading this I could use advice on my idea and ideas on what could happen next. She will find a key to an old cabin which has the Door Of Wonders in it. The Door of Wonders opens to worlds of possibilities.
This is just a basic outline of the beginning. I have allot of details to work out. I could also use help with the details for this.

Todays thought of the day:
"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it."


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