Pondering Japan's Earthquake
The earthquake in Japan is just another wake up call for us. It is so far the largest disaster we are dealing with right now. And with all those nuclear power plants having problems there, it will get a whole lot worse.
The earth is talking to us. Telling us the big change is upon us. Instead of fighting wars in other countries we should be preparing our people for this big change that will change our home, planet Earth, in a way that will make life allot more difficult to survive.
Japan had prepared for this kind of event to a point, but this kind of event to this degree is never fool proof.
My heart does go out to all those who are living through this right now.
I will give one prediction for the near future that some might say makes me sound like a crack pot but it is always a possibility.
Here it is:
With all the things happening right now natural disasters and political unrest big changes are inevitable. Governments will fall apart, America included. People will have to rely on themselves to survive. Small towns will be able to band together and make it. Big cities, like New York, will become war zones onto themselves. They will spread out to smaller communities looking to take whatever they can. Not caring about who or what they hurt along the way.
It will be another kind of dark age or something even worse.
Violence will rule unless we do something about it now.
Am I prepared? Not really. But I'm willing to learn, are you?